Practice team

Practice manager

Emma Pymm

The practice manager is responsible for ensuring day to day general management and smooth running of the practice and is also available to offer advice and answer administrative/non-medical queries.

The practice is constantly trying to improve the services we offer to patients. If you have any suggestions please let us know.

Assistant practice manager

Alan Horton

Supports the practice manager in the general running of the practice.

Practice nurses

Maria Cutino-Raya – Nursing lead

The practice nurses are available during surgery hours at both surgeries. In addition to offering advice and support, their clinics complement those of the doctors.

Consultations are by appointment.

Services offered include routine health checks, immunisations, ear syringing, dressings, cervical smears, ECGs, advice on minor ailments and injuries, general health advice, blood pressure checks and new patient medicals. Nurse led clinics are held for respiratory diseases, diabetes and healthy heart.

The practice nurses are supported with the day to day running of their clinics by health care assistants.


Kirsty Whiley – Head receptionist

A team of receptionists work at both Swaffham and Necton.

Our receptionists are approachable and are able to answer many of your queries. They will act as a link between you and other members of the team. All our receptionists have annual data protection and confidentiality training and are bound by these regulations, everything is treated with the strictest of confidence. Our receptionists have been tasked by the GP’s to ask you for details of your symptoms to ensure that you are seen by the most appropriate clinician. Please help our clinicians by giving as much detail as possible.

If you are in doubt about anything please ask one of our receptionists for help.


Rayhan Chowdhury – Lead dispenser

A team of dispensers provide a dispensing service at both Swaffham and Necton.

Administration team

We have a team of administrative and IT staff who are seldom seen by our patients. They are a very important part of our staff team and help to keep the surgery running smoothly.

The administration team report to the practice manager and include medical secretaries and other support staff.