All patients registered with Plowright Medical Centre have a named GP.
Your named GP will be: Dr David Sorensen-Pound
Please note: You can still continue to see any GP at the practice.
What does ‘accountable’ mean?
The GP contract requires the named accountable GP to be responsible for the co-ordination of all appropriate services required under the contract and ensure they are delivered to each patient where required. However, this does not mean that they will be the only GP or clinician who will provide care to that patient. These responsibilities will be carried out within the opening hours of the practice and do not change the way you currently access care outside these hours.
This is largely a role of oversight, with the requirements being introduced to reassure patients that they have one GP within the practice who is responsible for ensuring that this work is carried out on their behalf.
Does the requirement mean 24-hour responsibility for patients?
No. The named GP will not:
- take on vicarious responsibility for the work of other doctors or health professionals.
- take on 24-hour responsibility for the patient, or have to change their working hours. The requirement does not imply personal availability for GPs throughout the working week.
- be the only GP or clinician who will provide care to that patient.
Will GP practices write to patients to inform them of their named GP?
No. However, practices are required to inform patients of their named GP at the next appropriate interaction.
Newly registered patients should be notified of their named accountable GP when the register.
If you have forgotten or would like to know who your named GP is please ask one of our reception team when you are next in the surgery.
Can patients choose their own named GP?
Patients will be allocated a named GP on the based on who they historically were registered with. However, if a patient requests a different named GP, reasonable effort will be made to accommodate their preference.
Do patients have to see their named GP when they book an appointment?
No. Patients can, and should, feel free to choose to see any GP or nurse in the practice in line with current arrangements. If their preferred choice of GP or nurse is not available, an alternative will be offered. As all patients have an electronic medical record this ensures that all clinicians in the practice have access to the most accurate and up to date information.