Evening and Weekend Appointments
Enhanced Access
Improving access to general practice: Weekend and evening appointments are now available.
Patients who are registered at this practice can book an appointment to see a clinician weekdays from 6:30pm-8pm and Saturdays from 9am-5pm at the following Hub sites:
- Manor Farm Medical Centre, Swaffham
- Bridge Street Surgery, Downham Market
Talk to our reception team to book an appointment. They will provide you with the time, date, and venue for your appointment.
These are for non-urgent, routine appointments only.
Some of the services we can offer within the Enhanced Access are:
- GP Consultations
- Nurse appointments offering dressings, asthma and diabetes reviews, contraception reviews, etc
- Health Care Assistant appointments
- Cervical Screening
- Spirometry
- Medication Reviews
Please note this is NOT a walk-in service and is available by booked appointment only.
If you need urgent medical advice when the surgery is closed, you should continue to call NHS 111.