
Our chiropractor, comes from the Kings Lynn Chiropractic Clinic and uses a wide range of different techniques to treat low back pain the characteristic manipulative techniques. He also uses other techniques including mobilisation, massage, and other muscle or soft tissue techniques.

He advises on exercises, to strengthen and stabilise the involved area, posture, work related issues and other lifestyle changes. All of these are designed to provide the maximum improvement as quickly as is achievable.

The chiropractor will discuss with you what treatment approach will suit you best. If you would prefer that the chiropractor uses some techniques but not others, this can always be accommodated. For example you might prefer a gentle, non-manipulative approach, which the chiropractor is fully qualified to provide.

Your first visit will take approximately 45 minutes and subsequent visits approximately 30 minutes.

There is a clinic held every week at the surgery.

For further information and details please contact the surgery or the King’s Lynn Chiropractic Clinic on 01553 772512.