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Patient survey

Patient Survey

General Patient Information

In general, what is the quality of your health?
How often have you visited Plowright Medical Centre within the past year?
Have you held any telephone consultations with the GP within the past year?
Have you held any telephone consultations with the Nurse Team within the past year?
Do you prefer to visit Swaffham or Necton?

Booking Your Appointments

How do you usually book your appointments?
If you make these by telephone, face to face or online, how quickly did you get an appointment/consultation?
Please select all that apply.
Was the person who answered your call and booked your appointment:
If you had a face-to-face appointment, were you satisfied with the time you were offered?
Before contacting the surgery, did you try any of the following?

The Day Of Your Appointment

Did you use the electronic sign in screen?
If you registered at the reception desk, how did you find the reception staff?
Once you had checked in, how long did you wait in the reception area beyond your scheduled appointment time?
Which services do you regularly use at the Practice?