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Code of conduct

We aim to provide the best possible service for all patients registered with the practice and as a patient you can expect:

  • To be seen the same day for conditions you and your doctor agree are urgent
  • To have your records treated with confidentiality
  • To be seen within 30 minutes of any appointment you are offered at the surgery and, should we fail to do this, be given an explanation for the delay
  • To be seen at home if you and your doctor agree you are not well enough to attend surgery
  • To have long-term medication and treatment reviewed at agreed intervals
  • To be informed (through leaflets etc) of the practice’s services and how best to use them
  • To receive health care in clean, comfortable and appropriate surroundings
  • To be treated with courtesy

In return, we expect you, our patients:

  • To treat the doctors and staff with courtesy
  • To let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to keep an appointment, so that we can offer it to another patient
  • To be punctual for your appointment
  • To be understanding if your consultation is delayed because your doctor has had to attend an urgent case
  • To make more than one appointment if more than one person needs to be seen or you have a number of problems
  • To ask for a home visit only if the illness prevents you from attending the surgery
  • To contact the doctor out of surgery hours only in cases of medical emergency which cannot wait until the next working day
  • To notify us as soon as possible if you change your title, name, address or telephone number, so that we can update our records; this makes it easier to get in touch with you in an emergency

Code of conduct

The Plowright Medical Centre is committed to providing a first class primary care environment. We have a responsibility to all of its patients to provide high professional standards and a safe clinical environment.

Patients also have to accept and undertake various responsibilities.

These responsibilities form the basis of a code that every patient must observe. The patient code is important as it aims to ensure that everyone at the Plowright Surgeries works within an environment that is safe, secure and conducive to providing primary care services.

Unacceptable behaviour is defined as “any behaviour which impacts negatively any member of staff or other user of the Health Centre”. Whilst staff are urged to be sensitive to patients’ individual circumstances, it must be emphasised that there are no exceptions in the application of the responsibilities outlined in this code of conduct.

Examples of unacceptable behaviour/misconduct

  • Abusive language or intimidating verbal or physical behaviour towards doctors, nurses, members of staff or other patients
  • Deliberate misuse of, damage to, misappropriation or theft of any equipment, furniture, fittings or other property belonging to Plowright or its staff
  • Anti social or disruptive behaviour e.g. any behaviour that infringes upon patients

Patient disciplinary procedure

Stage 1 – Pre-disciplinary procedure

The practice manager or GP partner issues a verbal warning informing the patient that his/her behaviour is unacceptable and infringes the practice Code of Conduct.

Stage 2 – Start of disciplinary procedure

The practice manager writes to the patient advising them of the issues.

Stage 3

The practice manager issues a final warning to the patient, explaining how they must change their behaviour.

Stage 4

The practice manager writes to the patient advising them that they need to find an alternative practice with which to register.

Serious incident

Examples might include wilful damage to property, physical violence, serious breach of health and safety, verbal or physically abusive behaviour.

A serious incident could lead to immediate dismissal from the premises and will be dealt with by the most senior person on site. The police will be called (if appropriate) and a letter from the practice manager will be sent.

Appeals procedure

The patient will be informed about his/her right of appeal to the senior partner and about his/her right to be accompanied by an agreed advocate.

This process works in parallel with the NHS process for the removal of patients from the practice register following the breakdown of the doctor patient relationship and the practice and the NHS zero tolerance policy.

Page published: 13 May 2024
Last updated: 14 May 2024